Levitation Orchestra and Pouya Ehsaei to Debut New Music at Kings Place

Levitation Orchestra

Vaak Records is excited to announce Levitation Orchestra and Pouya Ehsaei's collaborative concert featuring new music on May 14th at Kings Place in London.

Get your tickets now!

Founded in 2018 by Axel Kaner-Lidstrom, Levitation Orchestra is a collaborative band with the goal of creating original suites of music. The band has made significant strides in the last 18 months, including the release of their second album, "Illusions & Realities," on Gearbox Records. They have also played to sold-out crowds at popular venues such as Ronnie Scott's, Jazz Cafe & Studio 9294, as well as headlining shows at We Out Here Festival & Brainchild Festival. Levitation Orchestra's music brings together multiple inspirations, including spiritual jazz, classical, electronica, soul, spoken word, M-Base, and no-holds-barred free improvisation.


Pouya Ehsaei is a composer, sound designer, and electronic musician. He explores various compositional and sound synthesis techniques to create a hypnotic passage through soundscapes, industrial beats, intricate sound miniatures, epic soundscapes, fractal polymeric rhythms, and pulsating hard-hitting sub-frequencies. Pouya is the bandleader of the electronic jazz group Ariwo and the creative leader of Parasang, an initiative that brings together musicians from around the world to create one-off improvised concerts.

We at Vaak Records are thrilled to be part of this collaboration and are eagerly anticipating the debut of their new music at Kings Place. Don't miss out on this groundbreaking performance by Levitation Orchestra and Pouya Ehsaei on May 14th.

Click here for more information and tickets.